
lorriana. com

Embrace the Spirit and Capture the Wind

The Gamut Within

My name is Lorraine Anna Kelly and I am an artist. I appreciate nature, life as it is and I have the desire to create. I am a self taught artist painting in oil on canvas and smaller sizes of slate. I also create jewelry using the earth's genuine stones and accenting them to bring out their beauty.

My work is based on the gamut of existence; passion (The Wind) and aspiration (The Spirit). My goal is to magnify the splendor of everything, giving a glow that forever will be seen and to give warmth and compassion that we feel. I have tried to develop my work in a style so that others can grasp the unrelenting beauty concealed in the most subtle of scenes and an exhibition of gemstones, crystals and minerals the earth conceals. We can discover beauty if we just take time to truly look at the complete array. To search within, especially one's inner self, can be apprehensive; but paired with optimism, can create awe!

If anyone is interested in original artwork or one of a kind jewelry, please e-mail me at: lorraine@lorriana.com